We’ve already established that we all love small conveniences in our lives. Give us anything that would make our lives just a wee bit easier, and we’re sold!
Recently, we saw one of those crowd-funding projects where someone actually invented a machine that irons AND folds your laundry for you! And we have to admit a few of us at BuyandShip were extremely tempted.
YAAAAAASSSS, that’s how much we love life’s little conveniences.
So we understand that it may seem so mafan when we act like your naggy mother to ALWAYS INPUT your unique member ID.
Those of you on your maiden journey with BuyandShip will be wondering what this member ID is. Once you sign up for an account with BuyandShip, this is how your ID would appear.
Where you can find the shipping address, you’d see your name appearing like so:
So if your name was Daniel Tan, it would appear this way:
Daniel Tan GBTEXKL
No one else would have this random set of alpha code, only YOU!
And yes, it may seem like an extra step when we ask you to use this unique member ID as part of your shipping information when you’re checking out with an online merchant. But we promise that we are not here to chut pattern.
Think of how many Daniel Tans you know. Now think about the confusion it would cause when two packages arrive with the same name but belonging to two different owners. Our warehouse assistants, though very much on the ball, would have no way of telling which package belongs to whom. It’s frustrating for you because it means you get your package later than anticipated, and frustrating for us because we always want happy customers.
The unique member ID is integral to making sure you get your items at the end of the day. Think of it as your very own locker at our warehouses. The system picks up your ID once your package comes in, and it goes straight to your locker, ready to be sent to you.
Don’t forget we have our CNY promo of $3 per lb on right now! So sign up with us, get that free $5 credits, and start shopping for the year of the dog!