We’re pretty sure everyone owns at least a pair of sneakers these days. Not only it’s comfortable, but also easy to pair up with any outfit. There are many brands of sneakers in the market in recent years, with many major luxury brands following the sneaker trend as well. However, why don’t we go back to one of the OG routes once in a while and let us tell you, it’s more affordable as well!
Founded in 1916, Keds is an American shoe brand that’s mainly known for its canvas shoes with rubber soles. It’s risen to popularity in the 80s when Jennifer Grey wore it in Dirty Dancing. If you’re looking for a pair to wear anytime, anywhere, get a pair of Kids now, especially when they’re on sale.
Keep scrolling to check out our favourite pairs! Enjoy shopping!
Women’s Crew Kick Alto Soft Twill

Discount Price: US$49.95 (SG$67.67)
Original Price: US$69.95 (SG$94.76)
Women’s Jump Kick Slip Washable Feat. Organic Cotton Paisley

Discount Price: US$29.95 (SG$40.57)
Original Price: US$49.95 (SG$67.67)
Women’s Center II Speckled

Discount Price: US$34.95 (SG$47.35)
Original Price: US$49.95 (SG$67.67)
Women’s Keds x kate spade new york Kickstart Logo Foxing

Discount Price: US$59.95 (SG$81.21)
Original Price: US$89.95 (SG$121.85)
Women’s Keds x kate spade new york Champion Canvas

Discount Price: US$54.95 (SG$74.44)
Original Price: US$74.95 (SG$101.53)