Bypass the waitlists and get your Hermès through Buy&Ship. We offer authentic Hermès handbags, wallets, small leather goods, and more at lower prices. Acquire your dream timeless classic piece – without the frustration.
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Table of Contents
→Bypass the Quota System & Enjoy Unbeatable Prices
→Entrupy Authentication Certificate
Bypass the Quota System & Enjoy Unbeatable Prices
These items are not priced on the Singpaore official website, so Hong Kong official website pricing will be used as a reference. Find incredible savings on Hermès small leather goods and bags – less than official retail prices! Don’t miss out, shop now while supplies last.
Note: Product prices, quantities etc. may change due to sales. All subject to change.
Entrupy Authentication Certificate
Most new designer items sold by Buy&Ship can include an optional Entrupy authentication certificate. Currently, Buy&Ship is offering this certificate free with select designer purchases!
Entrupy is a US-based company using artificial intelligence and microscopy to verify the authenticity of luxury goods. Comparing items against a vast database of materials, leathers, and stitching, Entrupy boasts a 99.1% accuracy rate. The company partners with leading brands like LVMH and Chanel. Upon successful authentication, Entrupy issues a unique digital certificate (as pictured) hosted on their website.
Entrupy can authenticate handbags and small leather goods (some brands/leather types are not supported, e.g., YSL). Please note:
- Jewelry is not supported.
- Hermès 2024 models are currently not supported as data collection is ongoing.
- Additional fees may apply for certain high-value Hermès handbags.